
Menu for March 20, 2014 - 1st day of Spring!!

Menu for March 20, 2014
Painters Hall Cafe, 9am-2pm. Mon-Fri.

Hot Apple Cider, Coffee (hot or cold brewed), Mexican Mocha, 
Almond Coconut Latte, teas & more.


Irish Bartender Stew
A typical hardy Irish stew with a Guinness base 
Veggie stew with a corned beef option for meat lovers
Served with a side of homemade Irish soda bread 

Classic French Onion 


Fresh spring Salad
greens & radishes from our glasshouse
with asparagus & carrots
housemade dressings - goat, yogurt ranch or red wine vinagrette
additional egg & meat options available

Dessert options now available!  Yummy!